Village at the End of the World
A compelling portrait of a remote village in Northern Greenland with a population of 59.
Even if a screening is sold out, tickets are often available 30 minutes before the start of the film at the box office at each venue.
- Director Sarah Gavron
- Producer Al Morrow
- UK-Denmark-Greenland 2012
- 78 mins
- Production company Met Film Production
British filmmaker Sarah Gavron’s (Brick Lane) first foray in the documentary form was shot over the course of a year in Niaqornat, a remote village in Northern Greenland with more dogs than people. The film focuses on four townsfolk from the tiny population of 59 – Lars, the only teenager; Karl, the huntsman who has never really acknowledged that Lars is his son; Ilanngauq, the outsider who moved to Niaqornat after meeting his wife online; and Annie, the elder who remembers the ways of the Shamen and a time when the lights were fuelled by seal blubber. The economic and ecological future of the community is more fragile than its hardy inhabitants, and Gavron filters these bigger issues through her compelling observation of their everyday lives. Ravishing cinematography by David Katznelson (Downton Abbey) establishes the icy location as the beautiful and unpredictable fifth ‘character’ in this astutely constructed real-life drama.
Clare Stewart
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