• Director

    Chantal Akerman

  • France 1983. 57min

  • Digital (restoration)

  • English subtitles

It’s not surprising that a filmmaker who recognised the power of small gestures was drawn to Pina Bausch, a pioneer in dance choreography comparable to Akerman in cinema. Akerman’s portrait of Bausch’s company interviews members and films performances with the filmmaker’s trademark patient gaze, revealing many of the two artists’ shared interests: repetition, confessional narratives, emotional pain and traumatic relationships, and in Akerman’s view, ‘a tireless quest for love’.

Restored by INA.

+ Autour d’un marteau. À propos de Jean-Luc Vilmouth

The Hammer

France 1986. Director Chantal Akerman. 4min. Digital. English subtitles

An esoteric film about conceptual sculptor Jean-Luc Vilmouth’s tool of choice, filtered through a game of musical chairs.

Total running time 61min.

See other screenings of Un jour Pina a demandé....