For 2024/2025 BFI Film Academy Labs series we are again teaming up with venues across the UK to help you kickstart your screen industry careers.

Register for our first Lab of the 2024/25 season, Why Good People Make Bad Characters: Creating Characters for Drama, taking place on Monday 13 May at 18:30.

BFI Film Academy Labs are all about helping 16- to 25-year-olds break into the screen industries. These monthly practical sessions are led by industry professionals, with a focus on explaining the specifics of working in film and television, and developing your skills to become the best screen creative you can be. The Labs are programmed across three strands: Business of Film, Career Ladder and Storytelling. They will take place on the second Monday of every month (excluding in October, February and April).

Check out previous seasons of BFI Film Academy Labs on our YouTube playlist.

We announce our Labs on social media, so for updates, follow us:

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